If you have ever had any of the following thoughts:
“I want a deeply supportive partnership but it feels unrealistic and I’ve never seen it in real life before.”
“I want to exude confidence and trust myself like XYZ person but they are just built different and I don’t have it in me.”
“I want to change XYZ things about me and then I will be able to love myself.”
“I want to stop feeling numb to my own life, but I feel stuck and don’t know what to do.”
I have moved through every single one of these, and more. In fact, I still have days where I find myself in a funk and think, “Really? We’re still out here doing this?!”
But what used to feel annoying now feels amusing. I have gotten so practiced at not listening to my own internal garbage, that I have found myself:
In a loving marriage that is unlike anything I ever saw growing up
Trusting my own capabilities, even if I mess something up
Loving every “shameful” part of my wildly messy, human self
Feeling more emotion on a given day than I had in entire years of my life
This is not a scam. And I am not special.
It’s actually maddeningly simple - and it all comes back to unlocking our capacity for love.
Not “rainbows and butterflies” love. Big, deep, terrifying, vulnerable, open-hearted, “I feel like I’m going to puke!!!!” love. Every flavor and facet of it.
Loving your desires, your 6-year-old fears, your judgmental and mean self, your own tender naivete. Loving it is the answer. And I can show you how.
If you want this - just let yourself want it! - schedule a free “Discovery Call” below. (After all, as Mario once said, “You should let me looooveeee youuuuu.”)
I can’t wait to meet (and fall in with) you.